Thursday, November 20, 2008

So Great

Just wanted to share a song that is stirring my heart:
So Great by Michael W Smith

Wow...does he have some longevity, or what? He looks younger now than he did back in the 80's!

I love the invitation in that first verse: "....everyone come and rest, you are safe in the arms of Jesus" beautiful. Jesus has a really big welcome mat!

I also love "rugged cross, sovereign grace, oh the blood of Jesus" I am thankful now more than ever before in my life for the completed work of the cross...for "It is finished."

And then the anthem of all ages: "You are good, you are faithful and your love endures forever"
That's our God!

I would have despaired, unless I believed to see his goodness in my life (Ps 27:13)
I can rest in his faithfulness
I am so humbled by his enduring love. I hope it washes over you as you listen.

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