Thursday, May 10, 2012

Goals and Wishes

Goals are way too much like expectations and expectations can lead to disappointment, so for years now I've flat refused to set them.

I was on the elliptical the other day listening to an audio book on my ipod. Well, it's not my ipod. It's my husband's and its chock full of all kinds of leadership books. Normally, I would never listen to stuff like that. I don't know what got into me.

I was walking, running, ellipicalling away and I agreed with the gal reading the book. "I really should set some goals," I told myself. As quickly as the thought sprung up in my mind, tears welled up in my eyes. "I don't want to set goals, whenever I do that I just end up disappointed." I pedaled a little slower. Thankfully I was the only one in our neighborhood gym.

I do what I can to avoid disappointment. What seems to work really well is squelching expectation.

I had this little thought - mostly what I've done in the past is make wishes not set goals. There is a difference. Wishes are just floating out there. I"m learning on the audio book, which just grabbed my attention again, that goals need to be measurable.

I decided to give it a shot and just to hold myself accountable - I decided to share my plan with you.

I am setting a goal to exercise for at least 30 minutes 3 times a week - that sounds both reasonable and measurable, doesn't it?

I am also making a plan to track and celebrate this goal.

I will write down each workout on my closet calender. I'll number them each week Sunday through Saturday.

If I make it to three - I will celebrate reaching that goal for the week with a smiley face on Saturday.
If by some crazy scheme I over reach that goal I will be incredibly happy of myself, and I might tell a friend.
If I don't reach the goal - I promise to be kind to myself. I'll evaluate my schedule and spend a few minutes looking at what other thing became a priority in my life that week.

In three months I will look over my progress and adjust the goal or add structure.

This is my gentle approach to goal setting. What is your approach?


Fuego Fitness said...

Sounds like a great start to health, me time, and goal setting! Best of luck! Success is in your hands! You can Do It!

Lynn Marie Cherry said...

Thank you Shirley & Fuego Fitness for your support and encouragement!

DavidC said...

My approach? I just spin, shoot and hope for a goal. I'm proud of you babe. You can do it! I'm with you all the way.