Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My God Crutch

There are some who say that the whole idea of God is just a crutch for weak people and that truly strong people don’t need a crutch like that. Well, I’m not ashamed to tell you that I am VERY weak and I’m so thankful that I have a strong God to lean on!

Psalm 143 is one of my favorites and in verse 8 the psalmist talks about this leaning

Cause me to hear Your loving-kindness in the morning, for on You do I lean and in You do I trust. Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk

Sometimes we just need help walking…

A few months ago I wiped out on my bicycle and I couldn't walk…literally...I was laying on the floor in our hallway and a lightbulb came on. I wish I could say that I had a great God moment there in the hallway; but actually I remembered that the chair in the office had WHEELS! Yes! Our boys pushed me around the house on that office chair for several days. Thankfully I know who my healer is! And I'm so grateful just to be able to stand, to walk again.

There was also a dark time in my life emotionally when it was hard to put one foot in front of the other…God was a beautiful crutch to me in that season. And I was able to keep walking….to believe that this current circumstance of my life was not all there was for me…there was an “other side” and I would Walk THROUGH the storm. I would walk THROUGH the valley with Jesus right by my side.

This God Crutch, I recommend it! It's solid, strong and by far the most SURE thing for you to lean the weight of your soul on. We all pick up crutches. What are you leaning on?


Doris said...

Hey Lynn,

Great perspective. I always tried to avoid considering God/religion as a crutch; but you are absolutely right! A crutch doesn't have to be considered a weakness. As a matter of fact, it should actually be viewed as a sign of strength. Using the means you have right in front of you to get up, get going, and move on through the tough times. I'm with ya sister...bring me my God Crutch!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynn,
Loved your sharing. Boy do I need someone to lean on today. After a terrible night of the flu I feel pretty drained. After reading your blog I decided I better spend my time in the Word and get some spiritual food since natural food doesn't appeal right now. I also thank God for the strength he gives when you don't know which way to turn.
Love ya,